Burned – The Excitement Builds

Sharon RoseNews

The heat is on! Golden leaves may be announcing cool weather, but I have something to warm you up. Burned releases today. This is the second-to-last short story in the Agents of Rivelt series. I could … Read More

Realm Makers and Turncoat release

Sharon RoseNews

In this issue: First a little fun, then a new release with a twist. Have you ever wondered what writers do when they get together? The fact is, we’re an odd group, and it’s just … Read More

Diverse Similarity – Release Day

Sharon RoseNews

It’s official. Diverse Similarity has released. You can read it today! I have to admit, there is something indescribable about release day. I’ve heard other authors call it their book’s birthday. An apt analogy. The … Read More

Where do those ideas come from?

Sharon RoseNews

  This is a common question for authors. There are many permutations in the answers, but the most common theme is: From real life. Even for science fiction and fantasy, it all starts from a … Read More

Opportunity and Gratitude

Sharon RoseNews

  Hello friends! It seems I can’t write a November newsletter without thinking of Thanksgiving. Not just the holiday, but the concept. It’s kind of overwhelming me at the moment. No words come close to … Read More