Realm Award News

Sharon RoseNews

A pleasant surprise showed up in my email: a notice that my novel To Form A Passage made it into the “long list” for the Realm Award. 

Cover Reveal – Winter’s Maiden

Sharon RoseNews

Book: Winter's Maiden

I’m excited to join in the cover reveal for Winter’s Maiden by Morgan L Busse, releasing from Enclave Publishing in August 2024. This first book in The Nordic Wars, a fantasy Viking series, is available … Read More

A quick sale

Sharon RoseNews

There was a sale…but it’s over. Don’t want to miss my future sales? That’s easy to fix. You can receive my newsletter in your inbox. I’ll even send you some free short stories. Please sign … Read More

My next fantasy novel and an offer for you

Sharon RoseNews

Books by Sharon Rose

Don’t you think it’s time I add a new book to that picture above? I do!  My next book is getting closer. It’s now receiving a final polish, as my editor searches out those pesky typos that conceal themselves in plane site–ahem, plain … Read More

Wait! Where did April go?

Sharon RoseNews


I am sure that April just started. How can it possibly be the end of the month? Does this happen to you? Maybe it’s four family birthdays plus Easter all squeezed into three weeks. Maybe it … Read More

When Your Dream Becomes Reality

Sharon RoseNews

It started with a dream.

Dreams. The enemy of ordinary. Practical voices will tell you not to waste your time on dreams. Notice how the word waste subtly slips into negative advice. Wouldn’t a better word be to spend your … Read More