A pleasant surprise showed up in my email: a notice that my novel To Form A Passage made it into the “long list” for the Realm Award. This award gets a lot of entries, so the “long list” is the top selection that the finalists are chosen from. The winners are announced in July. Early days yet, but it sure brought me a smile to see my name listed with other authors that I admire.
Now I have a question for you. There has been a lot of talk lately about authors selling directly from their own websites. I’d love to know what you prefer. If you’re shopping online for my books (either print, ebook, or audiobook), where would you rather buy them? From my website, from Amazon, from some other retailer?
This newsletter contained a brief survey about your buying preferences, which has now closed. You may still let me know your favorite way to shop for books in the comments.
Happy reading,

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