I’m grateful for you!

Sharon RoseNews

It’s that time of year when we focus on gratitude. Really, we should be thinking about thanksgiving always, not just at harvest season (or this Thursday in the US). Thankfulness is one of those amazing inner gifts that improves our own experience of life when we give it away

Today, I’ll give my thanks to you for being one of my readers. Yes, I could write stories and keep them hidden away inside my computer, but believe me, it’s a whole lot more fun to write them for someone else. So, thank you for reading!

And the next season:

We all know the other thing that happens at this time of year. Sales. I’ll join the crowd with both my print and ebook versions. That way, you can gift-wrap a box for someone else or sneak away to read it yourself. The books are on sale in all Amazon marketplaces through Monday, Dec 2nd.

The sequel to this novel releases December 26, 2019.

Books I’ve Enjoyed:

This month I’m featuring Illusionary by Desiree Williams, which happens to have a pretty new cover for its relaunch. This is a portal fantasy with a modern heroine. The fantasy portion of the story is entertaining in its own right, but what really made this book memorable for me was the way the fantasy wove into real life at the end. An extremely satisfying read!

You can find all the details at whichever of these links is your favorite retailer. 

Barnes & Noble

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sharon Rose