My part of the world feels like it’s going to blow away. Temperatures are falling almost as fast as the golden leaves. (The picture above is taken in my front yard.) How about your corner of the world? Is it spring or autumn?
The outdoors aspect is one of the things I enjoyed about writing the Castle In The Wilde series. This is particularly true of A Castle Lost, which takes place mostly in Tower Woods. Imagine living in a forest of giant redwoods. Not an easy feat if you grew up in a castle. This story spans almost a year from summer to springtime, so parts of it will fit whatever side of the equator you live on.
If you haven’t read A Castle Lost yet, it’s included in this month’s free fantasy offer, so be sure to click below. If you have already read it, may I ask a favor? Please help other readers find it by leaving a review. I appreciate every one of them. Here are links to some common places to post reviews.
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Free Books:
Here is the October offer of free fantasy stories. Just browse through the selection, click covers to see more details, then download any you like for free.

Writing news:
I have officially typed “The End” on the first draft of A Castle from Ashes. (Yay!) It is now with my editor and will be ready for you to read this winter. This is the final novel of the Castle in the Wilde series. Stay tuned because in coming newsletters I will be running some contest giveaways. You could win print versions of the earlier books in this series.
Happy reading!
Sharon Rose