Don’t you think it’s time I add a new book to that picture above? I do!
My next book is getting closer. It’s now receiving a final polish, as my editor searches out those pesky typos that conceal themselves in plane site–ahem, plain sight. To Form A Passage will be the first of three stand-alone novels. They will all be set in the same fantasy world, but each will feature different characters, gifts, and dilemmas. Here is a little teaser for the whole set.
Arts of Substance – A Trilogy
In the land of Welcia, the three Substance Gifts promise safety and plenty. Wind Weavers control the weather, Streamers command the waterways, and Formers draw out the mineral wealth hidden deep underground. It’s easy to forget that disasters can still happen—and easier yet to blame the gifted when they do.
The first novel is the story of the Formers who release precious ores and build amazing structures. Soon, I will tell you more about Devron, who just wants to create art. He has no such luxury when a mysterious warning of collapse brings chaos to his beloved underground city.
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