Do you prefer sunrise or a new year?

Sharon RoseNews

Sunrise over a snowy field with trees.

Do you enjoy new beginnings? Is the start of a new year a big deal or just another day on the calendar?

To be honest, I love the new beginning of a sunrise way more than January 1st. Or January at all. It makes me want to curl up in a warm place, not rush outside to accomplish great things. (Living in Minnesota may have something to do with this. How about we move the new year to April 1st?)

Calendars aside, it’s important to have new beginnings. They provide impetus and add freshness to creativity. After launching a new book, I often take a month off, then begin again on the next book. I do quarterly writing challenges because once a year isn’t enough. And I pause after sunrise to consider the day ahead.

These are some new beginnings that work for me. What works for you?


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