Darkness or light? You decide.

Sharon RoseNews

Sunrise over a dark ridge

Does a sunrise seem like a strange picture for my Thanksgiving newsletter? I think you’ll see why it’s perfect.

For my readers outside the US, Thanksgiving is a big holiday for us, focused around gratitude and family gatherings. And don’t we all know–2020 is not the best year for gatherings.

Disappointing, but I refuse to lay aside my gratitude. That would be like covering up the top of that photo and claiming that only darkness is real. In fact, the sun is always shining. Darkness is incomplete and temporary. It only exists when something gets in the way of the light.

Gratitude is how we step back from the darkness and look around to see the light we may have forgotten. It is there, ready to be enjoyed if we choose to acknowledge all that is good.

Join me for a moment. Think of something you’re grateful for and just savor the joy. I would love to hear about it, so comment below if you feel like sharing.

Wishing you a Thanksgiving holiday filled with light!

Sharon Rose